By Missionary to Peru, Josh Miller

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My name is Josh Miller and I am a church planting missionary to the country of Peru, South America. My family is on deputation on our way to the mission field to train men and plant local churches. The work God has done in my life is an example of how God can use anyone who is willing to serve Him with their life, and I am thrilled at the privilege of telling Peruvians how God can use them to reach the world!

I was raised in a Christian home and heard the gospel clearly presented more times than I can remember. My parents were a godly example to me and I was always in Sunday School, Children’s Church, VBS, and every other opportunity my parents could have me in church. I had an incredible amount of gospel influence in my life, yet I rejected the gospel for years. I was more interested in living a life pleasing to myself rather than pleasing God.

When I was 18 years old I was living a life of sin in rebellion to God. My life was empty and felt like it had no purpose. My father took me to a mens retreat over a weekend where the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and I gave my life to Christ. I no longer had a desire to live my life to please myself, I had a purpose in life with new desires and I wanted to be used of God to share the message that changed my life with others. Shortly after I was saved I impulsively went on my first missions trip to Arequipa, Peru. I had no idea that God would use that trip to change the course of my life. The people were just like I was before Christ. They had problems and difficulties in their life, they had no purpose, they needed the gospel that I received! I got to see the ministry there and hear stories of how men were turned from crippling alcohol addictions to preaching the gospel and pastoring a church. I saw that God was doing a work in this country, and I just wanted to be a part of what God was doing! It was on this trip that the Lord gave me a burden for the people of Peru. We went to graveyards and funerals and saw the utter hopelessness of those who lost loved ones who were trusting in their works for salvation. They wanted so badly to have the assurance that their loved one was resting in peace in heaven. We heard stories of parents sneaking into graveyards at night in order to bury their child in the graveyard that would get them into heaven, but they simply could not afford to pay for a spot. They would give anything or do anything that they were told in order to quench this despair. When I was saved I gained the peace of knowing that I was made a son of God, that nothing I could do would separate me from Him. I now have assurance, and I want to give that to the people of Peru. I knew what God did in my life and I knew that He could change them too, I was resolved to prepare and go back to these people with the only message that brings true change for today and hope for the future. I returned home from my internship in Peru and dropped all of my college classes to pursue a life in ministry. I enrolled in a Bible Institute and ultimately moved to Georgia to train at the Our Generation Training Center. This has been absolutely vital in equipping me with the necessary training to be the man God has made me to be and to reach a country with the gospel. The OGTC is so much more than a Bible college, it is a team of men dedicating their lives to investing in the next generation of leaders in the church all over the world. Careful attention is given to your personal walk with God and growth as well as Bible training and practical ministry preparation. I took a trip on a whim and God ended up using it to change my life completely. I have received training and preparation that will give me the framework to model ministry after. We are starting deputation to make our way back to Peru so we can share the message that changes lives from chaos to peace, and replaces dread and despair of the future with anticipation and hope in the return of our Lord.

Josh and Allie have been missionaries in Peru, Find out more about the Millers at 
Josh Miller

Missionary to Peru