For the last two hundred years, the village of Yoro, Honduras has experienced an unusual yearly phenomena–raining fish!
Once or twice a year after a massive rainfall, villagers will find hundreds of tiny fish flopping around in the streets. The citizens of Yoro collect the fish and thank God for the provision.
A team of scientists from National Geographic observed this event, but were unsure as to the cause. One theory is that water spouts carry the fish from far away. The more simple solution is that the heavy rains force the fish up from underground rivers. Many of the fish were found to be blind, so this seems to be a plausible theory.
As a church-planter and fisher of men, I can’t help but think of how much simpler soul-winning would be if converts just fell from the sky! I suppose we will all have to just continue trusting in the Lord of the harvest, who is sure to provide us with plenty of opportunities. After Peter preached at Pentecost, 5,000 people received Christ in one day. I believe that God can and will also do great things in the country of Honduras.
Matthew 4:19 “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.“
Author: Andrew Garcia